Registration - OPEN NOW!
The youth golf tournament hosts golfers from ages 3-22 that participate at six different area golf courses. In 2024, the State Farm Youth Classic attracted 330 of the world's top junior golfers! In all years combined, Bloomington-Normal has welcomed players from 28 states and 14 countries. In 2013, the State Farm Youth Classic won the "Outstanding Locally Created Event" award from the National Association of Sports Commissions.
State Farm Youth Classic is ranked by the Junior Golf Scoreboard and Global Junior Golf Rankings, and is recognized by the American Junior Golf Association as part of its
Performance Based Entry Recognition System.
Visit our registration page to register by the June 13, 2025 deadline. Please contact us if you have any questions. We hope to see you in June!
Sign up today for the best and most affordable junior tournament in the Midwest!
Find out what we do and the committee that is involved in making this event happen!